A few of my friends aren’t fans of Facebook, but I love it. My top ten reasons include:

  1. Thanks to FB, I can ask for prayer, and I often discover when others need a petition lifted to call on God’s power to heal and rescue.
  2. Through the years, I lost touch with many high school and college friends, and former co-workers. Then, I discovered FB and I reconnected with them. I love seeing pictures of friends with their families and their celebrations.
  3. I enjoy traveling and Facebook gives me the opportunity to see friends’ travel albums.  It fills me with joy to see my family and friends visiting exotic places. FB allows me to share in their adventure from the comfort of my home.
  4. I often discover community events on FB and it allows me to invite others to popular gatherings in my neck of the woods.
  5. Uplifting memes can lift my spirits. There are always inspirational photos and quotes to brighten a dark day. I shared this meme last week on my FB page. (Author unknown).
  6. I’m an animal lover and I’m amazed at the creative shots of pets and wildlife shared on FB.
  7. Author Lauren Brandenburg

    Facebook is a tool I use to follow my favorite authors. Even though I’m a librarian, I might miss a new release. Facebook posts help me stay in the loop. This is a photo I borrowed from my author friend, Lauren Brandenburg’s FB page.

  8. Facebook reminds me of loved ones’ special days and life events. It only takes a moment to send my best wishes on important days.
  9. Facebook is a place where I can share photos of my everyday life. A walk in the woods always inspires me to snap a picture.
  10. Because of Facebook, I belong to groups that interest me. (Writing Groups, Readers’ Groups, etc.). I’m sure there’s a group for you if you’ll look.

Every tool or invention can be used for good or evil. It’s up to you to choose wisely.

Facebook allows me to stay in touch with friends, to spread hope, and to recommend Christian books.

Click on logo to visit my FB author page.

I hope you will like my author page on Facebook and “Follow Me.” Or even better, subscribe to my blog at the top right-hand corner of this page by entering your email address.

Are you a fan of FB too? If so, what’s your favorite reason for giving FB a “thumbs up”?