A friend is devastated because he received notice last week his position is being eliminated due to budget cuts. His dream job evaporated as quickly as yesterday’s brief snow shower.

A few weeks ago, he asked me and my husband to pray for him as he knew the university planned to eliminate one-hundred positions. We and many other have been faithful to lift petitions. Do you think God didn’t hear our prayers?

For the past six months, I’ve been studying Jenifer Kennedy Dean’s books about prayer. For decades, she’s been writing and teaching on this one subject. Something I’ve gleaned from her studies is that God doesn’t need me to tell him how to run the world. I’ve been practicing visualizing placing the people I love and their concerns on the altar. I simply say, “God, here they are. I don’t know your plans, but I trust you with them.”

Something else I’m trying to do, is listen. It is difficult for me to sit still, and listen to the Holy Spirit. Even after these months of study, I’m still learning how to pray. I’m asking Jesus to teach me to pray like he prayed. The Bible teaches us that Jesus went to pray, alone, early in the morning. For me to be able to do this, it means I have to get up earlier and relinquish some of my writing time. Sometimes, my thoughts run to the clock and I know I have little time left to write. Then, I remind myself the only reason I do this is to bring Him glory. For me to be able to string together a few thoughts worth reading, I need his guidance.

It’s not easy when you lose a job, receive a terrible diagnosis from a physician, or to watch a loved one suffer. Remember, even King David felt abandoned by God at times. How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? Psalm 13:1 NIV.

If you are experiencing a difficult season, I ask you to consider, when has God not met your needs? He loves you more than you can imagine, and He has a good plan for you. The period of waiting can be tortuous, but if you keep your eyes on Jesus instead of your circumstances, this can be a sweet time of intimate fellowship with him.

My prayer for my friend is that he will believe, yield, and trust Jesus. I know it’s heartbreaking to lose a job because I’ve experienced this life-changing event. Don’t do as I did and let the let the enemy steal your joy. I know God has a wonderful plan for those of us who belong to Him. I’m placing my family and friends on the altar. God knows exactly what they need far more than I.
I am thankful for Jennifer Kennedy Dean reminding me to believe, yield, and trust. If you want to learn how to have a more intimate relationship with the Lord, then check out her books.