Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Southern Kentucky Book Festival and to catch up with some of my favorite authors.  While having lunch with Sarah Thomas, she mentioned how fortunate for me the American Christian Fiction Writers’ (ACFW) Conference is being held in Nashville this year as it’s only about an hour’s drive from my home. Then her face looked reminiscent and Sarah said, “Since being published, attending conferences aren’t nearly as exciting.”

Her off the cuff comment reminded me to appreciate each step of this writing journey. Don’t get me wrong, I want my novel to be published, but I know the road to publication is a long journey. I love attending writers’ conferences and meeting other like-minded people, and it’s thrilling to meet with other authors, agents, editors, and industry insiders.

I also had the chance to chat with my friend, award-winning KY author Ann Gabhart. She gave me encouragement and a gentle nudge to send out proposals. I promised her I’d send out something this week, and I did. All the writers I know seem to have insecurities.  It’s hard to send out your work because chances are, it will be rejected.  I’ve been procrastinating and I appreciate Ann pulling me out of my comfort zone.

If you haven’t read Sarah Louden Thomas’s books, start with Miracle in a Dry Season. Ann is holding the second book in Sarah’s series Until the Harvest. I love Appalachian stories.  And don’t forget Ann’s latest book, These Healing Hills.  Sarah is holding it. This novel about a nurse midwife who rides a pack-horse through the hills of Kentucky as a part of the Frontier Nursing Service. I keep asking Ann to write a story featuring the librarians who rode pack-horses through Appalachia.

Maybe, you too are struggling, and stretching to reach a difficult goal. Don’t’ forget to appreciate the journey and the people you meet. Success is fleeting, but love lasts forever. Signing a contract is exciting, but friendship far exceeds the the value of a book deal.