You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13.

It’s four-thirty in the evening and darkness is closing in around me. Staring at the Christmas tree shining from the window makes me miss the ones who loved me best, my parents. I’ve learned the only thing to do when feeling bereft is to draw closer to Jesus, the true light of my world.

Television shows feature designer homes and friends on Facebook seem to have perfect lives. It’s easy to fall into the trap of discontent if you start comparing yourself to others and all they have. We’re bombarded with commercials telling us to buy this and that to make our world complete, but they are lies. The only thing that can truly make our lives complete is Jesus.

If your Christmas gifts are less than delightful, I hope you’ll remember the true reason for the season, The birth of Jesus—God’ perfect gift. Jesus, who suffered and died on the cross, so that we might be saved.

What are your desires for Christmas? Is it a new automobile, the latest gadget, or maybe your only want is to spend time with loved ones? I’ll let you in on a secret. Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

If you are feeling overwhelmed, lost, and a little lonely, missing those who cannot be with you, draw closer to Jesus. Seek him. Delight yourself in Him. He is always waiting, with open arms, and he knows exactly what you need.

May God bless you with his light and love through the coming days. Let’s not forget the best gift of all time, Jesus. May we glorify him with all we do so that His light will shine out for all to see.

Merry Christmas!