Not all our activities in Kenya revolved around mission work. On the first day in Nairobi, we visited a mall and had the opportunity to see how the middle class live. I could have closed my eyes and imagined I was home, in America.  However, we were required to go through metal detectors and our bags were searched for weapons before we entered the  mall.

It took us about two hours to drive from our camp site in Tharakaland to the Meru National Park. I learned that travel distance is measured in time, not miles in Kenya.  The Meru National Park is about 870 square kilometers or about 540 square miles. We spent one night at the luxurious Elsa’s Kopje Lodge and enjoyed a guided game drive through the Meru National Park. Considering the size of the park, we might not have seen any wildlife, but God blessed us as you’ll see by the photos below. The only animal on my list that we didn’t see in the park was elephants. We were very close to a herd, but I could only make out a trunk because of dense brush. Maybe next time I’ll get to see elephants in the wild.

We had little time to relax by the pool. After days in the wilderness, this seemed like a dream.



Our shower.

Another team members room. Notice there are no walls, only screens that are closed at night.


The dining room.


This walkway led to the dinging room from our room. Guests are required to have a guide assist them to navigate the pathways after dark.

After camping, this bathroom was a dream come true.


This is a view of the dining room and bar. Dinner was served to us on tables set up on the lawn on the previous evening.

This is the truck we travelled in while we visited the park.


The signs as we left Elsa’s Kopje and entered the park.

A view of Elsa's Kopje as we start the drive.

A view of Elsa’s Kopje as we start the drive.


This is a view of other team members in their truck.


This is Judy. Notice the white rhinos in the background.

We saw many zebras in the park.

I love seeing the zebras too.

I love seeing the zebras too.

A herd of cape buffalo.

The giraffes are my favorite.


I was not brave enough to cross the swinging bridge.


We saw a few monkeys.

A kudu, according to my husband.

The cape buffalo have been know to wander onto the lodge grounds.

The cape buffalo were have been know to wander onto the lodge grounds.


A beautiful sunrise and then we loaded back into the truck and drove for eight hours to Nairobi.

We spent the morning in Nairobi visiting an elephant sanctuary.

We spent the morning in Nairobi visiting an elephant sanctuary.


We spent the afternoon in Nairobi visiting a giraffe sanctuary. This is my sister kissing a giraffe. I believe I am the only one on our team who took a pass on this activity.


After a day of touring Nairobi, we loaded the plane, travelled about 22 hours, and arrived home, safe and sound. Thank you Jesus and thank you to those who covered us with prayers.