In four days, I plan to leave on a mission trip to Africa. Yesterday, a friend said, “I’ll never go on a trip like that. I wouldn’t feel safe.” I have some bad news for my friend.  There is no safe place on earth for anyone.  To quote my Daddy, “If you are born, you are going to die and there is no one who can do that for you.”  Just because we live in America, we are not safe. Turn on any television or radio and you will hear of a robbery, traffic accidents, random shootings and chaos.  We, and the people we love will suffer at some point in our lives. The only safe place is covered with the blood of Jesus.

If you have ever considered the mission field, this is the plan of action I recommend: 1) Pray. The mission field is all around you. You don’t have to go to a foreign country. It is more difficult for me to share the gospel in a rundown trailer park in my hometown than in Africa. 2) Study God’s word. How can you share the gospel if you don’t know the gospel? 3) Trust God. He has such an awesome plan for your life. If you let go of the fear and trust God, he will amaze you with his rich blessings. We cannot fathom the goodness of God’s grace. And finally, be thankful in every circumstance. God does not promise an easy life. In fact, if we follow Him, we are assured that we will be persecuted.

Pray, Study, Trust and Be Thankful. To find true safety, “Follow Him.”