Today is the first day of 2014. My only writing goal for 2013 was to write one hour per day. I failed many days. But that’s not going to stop me from setting new goals for 2014.

The beauty of this life is that each morning we have the opportunity to do better than we did yesterday. Of course, none of us have the promise of tomorrow.

The most important thing I’ve learned about writing this year is that reading good books and writing regularly has helped me to become a better writer.

Writing is a way for me to share my faith. God’s in charge of deciding whether or not my work will be published. I enjoy writing and reading the simple stories He has given me.  I’m sowing seeds. Only God knows where the words he’s planted in my heart will land and what fruit will be harvested. I know writing has drawn me closer to Him and led me to spend more time in His word.

My writing accomplishments for 2013 include:

  1. I submitted the first draft of my novel to my editor. She returned it in June and I re-wrote almost the entire book and resubmitted it to her in October (91,898 words).
  2. I submitted three short stories to contests.  One story, The Barber’s Sanctuary, won the fiction category of Kentucky Monthly’s 6th Annual Writers’ Showcase and was published in the November 2013 issue of the magazine.  Kentucky Monthly magazine distributes approximately 45,000 copies so I received exposure.
  3. I set up my WordPress Blog. My original goal was to post weekly which was unrealistic. If I submit a weekly post, I have no time to commit to my short stories and novels.
  4. I participated in NaNoWriMo (the annual novel writing project where writers set the goal of writing 50,000 words in the month of November.) I only logged 43,000 words. However, I WROTE 43,000 WORDS IN ONE MONTH.
  5. The first draft of my second novel is almost finished. I’m at 58,569 words. I estimate that it will be around 65,000 words and my goal is to finish on my birthday, January 5.
  6. I joined American Christian Fiction Writers and attended the annual conference in September.
  7. I joined Middle Tennessee Christian Writers.
  8. I joined a critique group that meets at the Bowling Green Public Library monthly.
  9. I met an outstanding agent with a stellar reputation who wants to see my edited manuscript with a proposal.
  10. I met two editors from publishing houses who want to see my edited manuscript.
  11. I completed an outline for seven books in The Weldon Series.

My writing goals for 2014.

  1. Write for one hour every day with the exception of Sunday.
  2. Post to my blog once per month.
  3. Submit the edited manuscript with a proposal to the agent.
  4. Submit the edited manuscript to the two publishers.
  5. Attend six meetings of the Middle Tennessee Christian Writers group.
  6. Attend six meetings of the critique group that meets at the Bowling Green Public Library.
  7. Read one book per week.
  8. Submit the manuscript of book two for editorial review by the end of January.
  9. Write the first draft of book three by the end of October.
  10. Attend the annual ACFW Conference in September.
  11. Write three short stories. (Feb, June, August)
  12. Submit three short stories to magazines.
  13. Apply to attend The Sewanee Writers’ Conference.
  14. Participate in NaNoWriMo.

I’m sharing my goals so that I will be accountable. We’ll review the results next January (if I’m still here and able).  Or as my Granny would have said, “If the Good Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise.”

Happy New Year and I pray that God will bless you and those you love.

Until I post again,
