tinamradcliffesmallI’ve heard that message all my life. I’m a wee bit hyperactive and I tend to run through life, rather than stroll. In fact, I probably dodged around you in annoyance if you were dallying around on the track of life, in my way!

On another note, I’ve spent a good six months researching current trends in myoelectric prosthetic devices for my January release, Rocky Mountain Cowboy. My hero has Michelangelo prosthesis on his transradial amputation (below the elbow on his right arm).

Think about that. He’s a man. He’s a cowboy. He’s right-handed. He has to shave, brush his teeth, tie his shoes, saddle his horse, rope cows with only one arm and hand. That’s quite a lifestyle change. The myoelectric prosthesis is an amazing device. You can see it here at Advanced Arm Dynamics. Yet there are changes and adjustments to be made. Self-image issues to deal with.

I am a retired (by choice, not age) registered nurse. Certainly, I have experience dealing with amputations, physical handicaps and limitations. No big deal to this medical professional. Right?  But of late, God is really giving me an understanding of what it’s really like to be a handicapped.

I’ve had a temporary detour that has provided a few challenges. As I look around, I am vain enough to wonder what others think. I am also dealing with self-image at my temporary slow pace.

Irony: a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.

Oh, that God! Of course, I am not insinuating that my little detour is God-induced. I am wholly culpable due to neglect on my part. But this speed demon does see the irony. I am forced to slow down and join those she is accustomed to racing past. By virtue, I am noticing those around me who have slowed down as well. Yes, for the first time in my life I am looking, REALLY looking at those around me with handicaps and disabilities.

My prayer of late has been this: “Lord, let me see others as you see them.”

My eyes have been opened in a new way and with much need for repentance on my part. Yes, there is hope for this energizer author. I’m excited at what God is showing me during this time.  Already I’ve realized that if I move too quickly through life there is a chance I will miss out on what God has in store for me. I am learning that I must wait on Him and let Him guide me.

Be still, and know that I am God – Psalm 46:10

No doubt many of you have had seemingly negative situations that God has turned into opportunities. I’d love to hear about those opportunities!

I’m giving away a copy of Rocky Mountain Cowboy to one commenter today. Let me know you want it, as many of my friends have been reminded to please stop by and visit me on this lovely blog, and they already have this book. Many thanks to Shelia, for inviting me to hang out here today, and for the lovely fruit pie spread.

tinamradcliffesmallOriginally from Western, N.Y., Tina Radcliffe left home for a tour of duty with the Army Security Agency (a branch of the NSA) stationed in Augsburg, Germany and ended up in Tulsa Oklahoma. While living in Tulsa she spent ten years as a Certified Oncology R.N. Tina is a two-time RWA Golden Heart finalist, a 2012 ACFW Carol Award finalist, a 2014 ACFW Mentor of the Year finalist, a 2014 Golden Quill finalist and a 2014 ACFW Carol Award winner. Tina is also a short story writer and has sold over twenty short stories to Woman’s World Magazine. She currently resides in Arizona where she writes fun, heartwarming romance. You can find her at www.tinaradcliffe.com

rocky-mountain-cowboyRocky Mountain Cowboy releases on December 20, 2016. I hope you’ll pick up a copy and check out rancher Joe Gallagher and his challenges.

A Cowboy’s Second Chance

The last person cowboy Joe Gallagher thought he’d see on his ranch was high school sweetheart Rebecca Anshaw Simpson. Twelve years after she married another man, she’s back as his physical therapist. But healing his body is nothing compared to guarding his heart from the woman he never forgot. There’s much the single mom would rather forget, but Becca won’t let regret and a surly rancher get in the way of her job and the chance to start over with her little girl. She has only a few weeks to make peace with her past. But Becca never expected she’d fall all over again for her first love.