Friendships Make the Journey Pleasant

Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Southern Kentucky Book Festival and to catch up with some of my favorite authors.  While having lunch with Sarah Thomas, she mentioned how fortunate for me the American Christian Fiction Writers’ (ACFW) Conference is being...


April is a season of joy for me as I have two grandsons with birthdays this month. A few days ago, my son announced he and his wife are expecting a baby girl.  Celebrating a grandchild’s birthday and the prospect of having a granddaughter is wonderful, but there’s a...

My Battle Plan for Insomina

Do you ever suffer from insomnia? It frustrates me to be tired, yet wide awake. A few weeks ago, I started a new tactic to battle sleeplessness —meditating on scripture instead of my worries. Something I’ve learned about myself through this exercise is that I don’t...

My Worst Enemy

A cardinal pecked on my dining room window for days, and it became so distracting, my husband placed an owl decoy in front of the house with the hopes of scaring the bird away. The silly creature is now assaulting his image on the French doors on the other side of my...

Follow the Star

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV. The women of my church gather each Christmas season for a dinner and ornament...

Imperfect Pieces

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm: 147:3 NIV Walking on the beach, searching for perfect seashells is an activity that always returns me to my childhood. My body may be older, but my spirit is childlike, searching for treasure. This year, the...