Roadblock or Redirection?

It thrills me to announce Tim Beals, President |CEO of Credo Communications is my new literary agent. Anyone in the writing business knows this is a big deal. Two years ago, my agent released all her clients so she could spend more time with her family. I was happy...

Believe, Yield, & Trust

A friend is devastated because he received notice last week his position is being eliminated due to budget cuts. His dream job evaporated as quickly as yesterday’s brief snow shower. A few weeks ago, he asked me and my husband to pray for him as he knew the university...

Meru National Park – Kenya

Not all our activities in Kenya revolved around mission work. On the first day in Nairobi, we visited a mall and had the opportunity to see how the middle class live. I could have closed my eyes and imagined I was home, in America.  However, we were required to go...

A Ten Year Celebration

By Paula Mowery On Wednesday, September 30th, my husband reminded me of a ten year anniversary. No, it wasn’t our wedding anniversary. That’s twenty-six years this year. Ten years ago on that Wednesday my husband had heart valve replacement surgery. His faulty valve...